
Firstly, thanks for thinking of contributing to pydropsonde; we are hoping that you didn’t land here by mistake. But even if you did, now that you are here why not help us out a bit with this package? There are different ways in which you can contribute to pydropsonde. To know how to get started, jump to Development Workflow.

How can you help us?#

You can help us by:

  • Submitting issues - Tell us about any bugs you encounter, enhancements or features that you think the package should include, or even things like some missing documentation that might be useful to you and others. Simply raise an Issue! Even if you are not sure if something qualifies as an issue, just raise an issue anyway. Worst case, someone will point out the solution or you might figure it out yourself and help out someone in the future facing the same problem. It’s a win-win.

  • Documenting - A large and very important part of pydropsonde is the documentation that goes with it. This includes the protocols for operations and data processing as well as the explanations behind them. We also need how-to guides to explain better how the package can be employed. And there are functions and classes that can benefit from better docstrings. In fact, this very document needs more documentation. There is almost never enough documentation. So, pick out a small aspect of the pydropsonde docs and try your hand at it. The universe will thank you. Just try it.

  • Coding - Scripts, classes, methods, tests… A lot remains to be done in the package.

Have a look at the Issues and you will find where pydropsonde needs help. Pick an issue and assign it to yourself, so others know that you are working on that. If you are not sure how to proceed, you can express your interest by commenting on the issue, and someone should help you out.

Development Workflow#

  1. Fork & clone pydropsonde

    Fork the pydropsonde repository.

    Clone your fork and set the original repository to remote upstream with the following commands:

    git clone<your-github-username>/pydropsonde.git
    cd pydropsonde
    git remote add upstream
  2. Create the development environment

    pydropsonde is developed in Python. The packages needed for development is specified in the environment.yaml file. The package manager conda can be used to create an environment from the file. Be sure you are in the pydropsonde home directory, i.e. the location of the pyproject.toml file. This will ensure the pip editable installation of the pydropsonde package within the environment itself.

    So, if you are in the right directory, let’s create the environment.

    conda env create -f environment.yml

    Activate the environment with: .. code-block:: bash

    conda activate pydropsonde_env

    _Get pre-commit working for you_

    If you created the environment with the environment.yaml file, then pre-commit should already be present in your environment. pre-commit is used to employ hooks for checking (and in some cases, fixing) the code before commits are made. To get pre-commit to check automatically every time you commit, use the following command:

    pre-commit install

    That’s it. pre-commit will now parse through all hooks in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file and do its thing accordingly.

    Every time there is a change in the config YAML file, be sure to apply those changes for all existing files too with the following command:

    pre-commit run --all-files
  3. Create a branch

    Now we have a local copy of our fork and we have the environment ready to start developing.

    It is always good coding practice to work on a different branch every time you start working on a new feature / bug-fix (yes, despite having your own fork).

    Create a branch and checkout to start working on it.

    git branch my-new-feature
    git checkout my-new-feature
  4. Make your changes

    Do your edits and push to your fork. Behold git’s holy trinity!

    git add . # will add all uncommitted changes
    git commit -m "your commit message here" # consider giving a detailed message & not simply a header
    git push # for the first push of a branch, track it e.g. git push -u origin my-new-feature

    Every commit makes changes that are justified by one reason. The size of a commit could be a single character change or a change in thousands of lines across millions of files. But the reason behind the commit should ideally be as solitary as possible. Commit often, but not too often. Henry VIII said that.

    For making changes to the documentation, refer the Documentation development section for steps.

  5. Submit pull request

    Head over to Github and from the relevant branch in your fork, create a Pull Request (PR).

    You can request a PR review from someone. They will help with some feedback or might wholeheartedly agree with your changes. Others might also comment with their opinion. Add any necessary changes with subsequent commits to the same branch. Once everyone involved in this conversation is satisfied, the PR is merged. From personal experience though, frantically refreshing the browser every three seconds doesn’t speed up the response rate of others. Sometimes, PRs can take their own sweet time.

  6. … And that’s it! Thanks for helping

Adding dependencies#

Currently, pyDropsonde is build with poetry. If you need a new package for your contribution, please remember to
  • add it to the pyproject.toml

  • create a new poetry.lock (see the poetry descriptions)

  • add it to the environment.yaml

Documentation development#

pydropsonde uses Sphinx with the Book theme to display its documentation, and is hosted by Github pages. All documentation comes from rsStructuredText files or Jupyter notebooks, except the API reference, which is built automatically from the docstrings in the modules, thanks to sphinx-autosummary.

Steps to make documentation changes#

  1. You’ll find the source files for documentation in the docs/source/ directory. If you want to change documentation in the API reference, then head over to the corresponding module in the source code and change the relevant docstring.

  2. Make the change. Here are some referencing tips for both Markdown files and for docstrings.

    • For cross-referencing within the document, use

      for example, :ref:`dokudev` in the source code will give you the following link: Documentation development. This works because the section Documentation development is tagged with the label dokudev in the source code, which is done by adding the line .. _dokudev: at the beginning of the section. If you want to add some custom text to your reference, you can do so by adding the text in the following way: `New Fancy Text <dokudev_>`_. This will give you the following link: New Fancy Text, i.e. the text New Fancy Text will be displayed, but the link will still point to the section with the label dokudev.

    • For cross-referencing a different document, use
      :doc:`description <path/to/file>`

      for example, :doc:`landing <index>` will give you the following link: landing. This works because the file index.rst is in the same directory as the file you are referencing from. If the file is in a different directory, you need to specify the path to the file relative to the current file.

    • For URLs
      `description <url>`_

      for example, `github <>`_ will give you the following link: github. Note that the URL will open in the same tab.

  3. Rebuild the documentation with:

sphinx-build -n docs/source docs/_build

The -n flag is to enable nitpicky mode, so that we catch all warnings with missing references.

When you open a pull request and merge into the main branch, the documentation will be built automatically and deployed to