Level 2 (default)


Level 2 (default)#

Quality Control#

Between Level_1 (product of the ASPEN software) and Level_2 quality control checks can be applied to remove sondes that don’t fullfill a given standard.


Per default NO quality control is applied. If quality control is required for the dataset, the functions have to be added to the config_file!

Currently, there are three quality control checks implemented that can be used:

  1. profile_fullness: check if the coverage of each profiles is above a certain threshold (wrt their normal data frequency)

  2. near_surface_coverage: check if the fraction of data in the bottom 1000m is above a certain threshold

  3. alt_near_gpsalt: check that the gpsalt and alt variable after the ASPEN processing don’t differ by more than 150m. If they do, the sonde most likely stopped meassuring before reaching the ground.


If neither test 2 nor 3 are applied, sondes that did not meassure in the lower atmosphere are included in Level_2 and the bottom most alt is set to zero, i.e., using alt as the height coordinate later on will lead to errors in the dataset.

To add tests to the config_file, a section has to be added:

filter_flags = <qc1>,<qc2>,<qc3>