
This section provides details on the processing steps, the resulting data products (levels), and the included quality control. When applying pydropsonde it is important to understand not only the different Data Products, but also where single products are stored. The latter is described in the section Data Directory Structure.

Data Products#

pydropsonde splits the processing into several steps resulting in four data products. Below, the processing and (intermediate) data products are described in short in tabular form with links to detailed subpages.

Data Product

Data Files



One file per sonde

Raw files from the AVAPS software (A-files, D-files, …)


One file per sonde

ASPEN-processed netCDF files including a first QC


One file per sonde

Sonde profiles with additional QC flags


one single file

One dataset (file) containing all Level_2 soundings gridded on a uniform vertical grid and including some derived variables


one single file

Circle products from all circles flown during a measurement sequence, e.g. divergence

Data Directory Structure#

Before processing you need to store your dropsonde profile data in a coherent way and communicate that to the processing software via the config file. Most commonly, a sonde profile is associated with a platform from which it was dropped and a flight_id from the respective measurement flight. The AVAPS software is a standard tool for conducting dropsonde measurements in atmospheric science and the pydropsonde package builds on the AVAPS generated raw files (Level_0). Further, the ASPEN software designed by NCAR is used to apply a first quality control and change the file format (Level_1). The resultign Data Levels are described in detail below.

We suggest to use a default directory structure which fits the default output of the AVAPS and ASPEN software. At the end of a research flight with dropsonde measurements the AVAPS software saves individual sonde profile data in single files and adds several metadata files related to the whole flight. A possible data directory structure would therefore be:

    |__ Level_0
        |__ flight_id1
            |__ raw files
        |__ flight_id2
            |__ raw files

This is the assumed default structure and translates into the following statement to be made in the config file:

path_to_flight_ids = {platform}/Level_0
path_to_l0_files = {platform}/Level_0/{flight_id}

However, you are free to define your favourite data strucutre that fits your use case and you could likewise save the data in another structure, e.g.

    |__ Level_0
            |__ raw files
    |__ Level_0
            |__ raw files

with the respective config file entry:

path_to_flight_ids = ./
path_to_l0_files = {flight_id}/Level_0

In the course of the processing further data products or levels will be added at the respective places. In the first case Level_1 files would be saved to a single folder at platform / Level_1 / {flight_id} / netCDF files. In the second case many Level_1 folders would be created following the pattern {flight_id} / Level_1 / netCDF files.

Level_2 works similar to Level_1 concerning the data directory structure. Up to this processing level each sonde profile is saved in a separate file. Level_3 is different in the sense that all profile data is vertically interpolated (see details above) and saved to a single file in the top directory specified in the mandatory section of the config file. Level_4 is likewise a single file stored next to Level_3.